
Naked Yoga for Men


There are very few venues where men can come together and connect spiritually, mentally and physically in the absence of sexual tension. Join us in this playful and fun yoga class for men who want to bond in a unique way. This is a great opportunity to experience non-sexual male intimacy.

There are a number of reasons to practice naked. While our society often equates being naked with sex, other cultures have found that being naked removes many social and economic barriers. It is also very freeing to move the body without the restriction of clothing, and yoga provides a great way to deepen body acceptance. Also, being naked can bring up many of our vulnerabilities. By facing these fears in the context of a safe and supportive community of men, we naturally become more grounded and comfortable with ourselves.

Men of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages and physical abilities are welcome to attend. Whether you are straight, gay or bi; new to yoga or a long-time yogi, you are welcome. Trans-men are welcome. Despite the nature of the club, the class is non-sexual.


A yoga mat, props such as blocks or straps if you need them, and perhaps a towel--just in case you need to wipe a few drops of luscious sweat off of that hard-working body of yours.


No classes currently scheduled.

Other Naked Men's Yoga Classes in San Francisco

There are several other weekly naked yoga classes for men in the Sun Room at Mission Yoga. For more information, click here.


Brian is available for private yoga instruction and sessions as well as on-site teaching for organizations and businesses. Brian's home studio rate is $90/hour. On-site sessions are $125/hour. Email Brian to schedule on-site sessions. Click the link below to schedule a private session.

Schedule an Online Appointment


updated: 13 DEC 2022